The Bruges Model
Since 1978 the fierce passion for finding what is working in therapy is driving dr. Luc Isebaert en dr. Myriam Le Fevere de ten Hove in getting their sessions, coaching or psychotherapeutic skills to the better version of what is wanted by their clients/patients. “What would Milton Erickson be doing in this case?” was the leading question.
Erwin De Bisscop, Myriam and Luc have been modelling their shared experiences into clear insights, easy to understand, scientific, empathic and philosophical inspired. As Erwin poses the question “What is working well for the client?” the focus on solutions is born.
They shared these “Eureka”- moments with friends, such as the Parisian group with dr. Marie-Christine Cabié, Marika Moïseeff, Michael Houseman, dr. Maurice Wajeman, Anne Marie Plouvier and many other French researchers who helped refining the Bruges Model.
Starting the Korzybski Institute in 1984 with the help of Louis Cauffman, they are teaching thousands of experts in the solution focused approach, the Bruges Model. Also known as Brief Therapy.
Dr. Maurice Wajeman, psychiatrist at the Centre Psychiatrique de Saint Maurice, also known as the “Asyle de Charenton” (remember Marquis de Sade), was the liaison between Luc Isebaert and Steve de Shazer, as he was the one to discover the coincidences of resemblance while reading a book written by Steve. That was very similar to what Luc Isebaert taught his hospital staff for many years. It was 1989.
Since 1990, an intense friendship and co-creation has been developed between the inspirers of the Brief Family Therapy Center BFTC and those of the Korzybski Institue. Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg finally have been joining the Bruges group as associates in the Korzybski Institute. Yvonne Dolan and other American colleagues also became teachers for the Korzybski Institute. As Luc is co-founder of IASTI, EBTA and other organizations, these insights have been disseminated worldwide.
Wondering what the Bruges Model is about?
Here you can read the first chapters of the book “Brief Therapy”, written by dr. Myriam Le Fevere de ten Hove.
For those more interested in the connection between Luc and Steve, there is the chapter “Steve in Bruges”, written by Luc Isebaert in “Encounters with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, inside stories of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy”.
As Myriam is warning in the book Brief Therapy: the Solution-focused virus turns out to be highly contagious, not only in the workplace, but also in daily life. This poses a serious risk to a happier life. One should feel warned.
Wishing you all the best.
Some articles, books, video’s, podcasts inspired by the Bruges Model
Youtube Channel of Korzybski Institute
In search of the roots of the solution focused approach: Erickson’s on Erickson Documentary Produced by Betty Alice Erickson, Allan Erikson and Louis Cauffman.
Korzybski Instituut